miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017


Andrea García: Analyst
Sara Gómez: Star
Clara Blázquez: Translator
Emma Giménez: Journalist
Ana Giménez: Supporter
Victoria Cano: Curator
Marta Alcaraz: Facilitator

TASK 7.2

This week we explored the 5 different types of relationships that exists at school. After reading a chapter to understand these, we created an scenario for each one and our colleages  had to perform them on Wednesday. The different scenarios that we invented are:

Teacher-student connection

While explaining the different types of animals in a third grade of Primary School class, Abdel, a muslim child, said to all the class that in his house they don't eat pig. All the students started asking him why and the teacher Inés, to clarify all their doubts explained them that depending on the culture and sometimes the religion, people eat some animals that others don't. For example in Asia is usual to eat insects and here in Europe we don't do it.  

Connections between peers

Pablo is a child who suffers bullying inside the classroom, all the children joke of him. This harms him in his academic development, since he feels depressed and unmotivated. To half of the year, Julia begins to approach him, to play with him and to establish a confidence relation.  Due to this, Pablo's development increases since he feels happier and self- confident.

Connections within the learning context.

Fernando, who is a teacher in 6th grade of Primary School, has realised that his students are uncomfortable with his way of teaching, besides they do not acquire well the content needed in this subject. He became aware of this situation, apart from what he has observed, also because there are a lot of students that make him questions during his lessons. For that reason, Fernando has decided to change his teaching methodology, evaluating their students and indeed, giving their lessons through the execution of projects.

Connections beyond the classroom

In Maria’s school, every year is celebrated the foundation anniversary, so they are very excited. Every year, Ana, a gym teacher, goes to the school and takes a “zumba” class; on the other hand Alberto, a volleyball coach , organises matches between students and teachers. So each group makes an activity and later they'll exchange the activities.

Connections within learning

We are in the first year of Primary Education, in the class of Physical Education.
When the children arrive to this level, they already know how to walk, run or even jump coordinately. What we are going to do is motivate this abilities taking into account what they already know (walking,running..) because if they won´t know how to do it they wouldn’t be able to perform the games correctly, so by doing this games they will develop the knowledge that the already have.

An example of the games could be ‘catch after you’ or rope-jumping.


Hi everyone! I´m Marta and this week I have had to be the facilitator of my team.

We continue with the seventh task, but this week we did the second part, that consisted on reading the document that the teacher gave us, in order to undertand the five complexities that are in the relationship between the teacher and the student in the class and beyond.

First of all, we distribute the roles between the members of the group.

On Monday we started to read the document each one in their house to understand perfectly the complexities.

Once we have a clear idea about each complexity, we met in my school in Tuesday afternoon and we explain each other what we have understood to have more facilities at the time to create the scenarios. We created the scenarios of each complexity very quickly, also because it was something that we liked enough, we manage to do it rapidly and without problems.

On Wednesday morning, each one of our members had to go with a different star of other group that was the director of the film. We record the scene that had done the group of the star and we have enjoyed a lot. Finally the star have to upload the film to youtube.


Hello!! My name is Emma and this week I´m the journalist of the group. During this week we have worked on our 7.2 task, we have continued with the work taht we did last week.
This week we are exploring about what means complexity and how this affect the relationships at school.
And after and then we had us to divide by groups and choose a scenario and make a brief representation in a time of 3:50 seconds.
Here I´m going to explain and to show you some pictures of the moments that we were working on the task.

On Monday we do not meet because we had divided the information by groups, Victoria, Sara, Andrea and Emma  were responsible to read the complexities two, four and five,. And Marta, Clara and Ana were responsable to read the complexities one and three.

But on Tuesday we met  and each of us explained what had understood about the complexitys and after we thought  a stage for each of them.

 And this week Sara was the star of this task:

 Firstly, I commented in the blog of architeachers. https://goo.gl/i5cTAc

And also I have commented in a blog that I think that it is interesting. https://goo.gl/PSB0RM


Hello! I am Andrea, and this week I´m the analyst of the group. This week we have worked in the second part of the task that we started last week, is the task 7.2, called "Relationships in a Complex Context".

The best part of this activity has been the moment when we had to imagine and create a scenario for the cases that we have study during the task, because we had to think and active our creative part of the brain. For that reason, it has been not only the best, but also the most complicated part of the task. Anyway, we have got a good result for the task as we orked really well as a group and we complement each other with our ideas.

We have done a good job because we obtained the expected results of the task. I think this may have been largely due to the way we started the task. We decided to divide the work,; so Emma, Victoria, Sara and Andrea were responsabile to read the complexities two, four and five in order to summarize the information of those documents; Clara, Ana and Marta read the complexities one and three, also doing a summarize.
In this task we have worked fluently, since this task did not require a great effort of manual labor.

To conclude, with this activity we have learnt what means complexity and how this affect the relationships at school. This activity has been interesting because is something that we are going to deal with in our daily lives in a future.


Hi everyone! I'm Clara and this eighth week I've been the translator of my group.

Although in this task we didn’t have many problems with new vocabulary, the key concepts we have been working with were a bit confusing, that’s why we needed to clarify their meaning. So, here you have it!

Teacher-student connection:  it is the set of interactions between the teacher and each of his/her students and also with the whole group. These relationships can affect positively or negatively in the teaching learning process.

Connections between peers: all the relationships between classmates that allow them to share ideas, beliefs, knowledge… that impact on the learning process.

Connections within the learning context: it means that the learning process is also influenced by the history, the culture and the relationships between all the members of the school.

Connections beyond the classroom: other interactions that students have outside the classroom that also create knowledge.

Connections within learning: knowledge that students have about many concepts which is used to create new ideas by adding unknown information. These type of connections also reinforce the previous concepts.

I hope you like it and… THANKS FOR WATCHING!💖🌵


Hi veryone! I'mVictoria and I'm the curator of the week.
It has been an different week because we also used the document that Linda gave us to look for information:
Starkey, L. (2012). Teaching and learning in the digital age. London: Routledge

Also, we have tried differemt tool to edit our video, ut finally we use :
Softoniccom(2017)SoftonicRetrieved 1 April, 2017, from https://windows-movie-maker-vista.softonic.com/


To conclude, if you want to see our videos it is avaliabe on Youtube:
Youtubecom(2017) , YouTubeRetrieved 1 April, 2017, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiy1qUHUofk
Youtubecom(2017)YouTubeRetrieved 1 April, 2017, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU1MP-MGKV0

That's all for this week. I hope that you have enjoyd and see you soon!!


Hi everyone! I’m Sara and this week I have been the Star of the Spiky Teachers group.
I have had a very good experience doing my role in this task.

The role of the Star was being the Director of the video that we filmed on Wednesday and Tuesday in order to represent each connection.
All the groups brought to class the 5 scenarios, one for each connection. Then all the Star went to the front on the class and we were assigned with one Scenario, our connection was “Connection within Learning”.
As there were more Stars than Scenarios we were grouped in pairs, my pair was Celia, the Star of the Starfish group, we made a very good team!
After that all the groups mix together and each new group had to have ‘coml maximo’ two members of the same group.
My group was formed by:
Berta Tornel @flower_power_8
Paula Martínez @flower_power_8
Fabiola González @starfish_group
Marta Ortiz @starfish_group
Patricia Rodríguez @thewildcats
Laura Martínez @spacers_20
M.Angelo Alonso @architeachers
Monica López @thesuperstasrgroup
Marta Martínez @thesuperstarsgrouo
Jose Fernández @fishersintheriver
Carmelo Zamora @fishersintheriver

And my lovely director/camera Celia García from @starfish_group

After making the groups we had to choose which scenario we should do, because all of the teams gave us their Scenario for this ‘connection’ and we just had to film 2 videos. We choose the one from Architeachers and the other from Spiky Teachers.
We filmed the first one in a classroom and the other one we filmed it outside. I will link them in this post, enjoy it!

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017


Andrea García: Curator
Sara Gómez: Supporter
Clara Blázquez: Star
Emma Giménez: Facilitator
Ana Giménez: Analyst
Victoria Cano: Journalist
Marta Alcaraz: Translator

TASK 7.1

This week we have explore the different complexities that exist in a school

We had to look for a new that represent each complexity. There are 6 complexities.

1. Complexity Theory  http://www.magazinedigital.com/historias/reportajes/especial-ninos-padres-escuela-una-relacion-con-malas-notas

2. The Context of a Complex Organization  http://www.diariovasco.com/gipuzkoa/201703/20/gente-cree-inmigrante-llevar-20170320010508-v.html

3. Emerging Knowledge through
connections http://eldiariodelaeducacion.com/blog/2017/01/13/unschooling-y-si-la-escuela-fuera-prescindible/

4. Diversity and Redundancy http://www.diarioinformacion.com/alicante/2017/03/20/colegio-jesuitas-alicante-cambia-modelo/1873865.html     

5. Balnacing randomness and deterministic order https://carlosmagro.wordpress.com/2016/12/01/evaluar-es-aprender/

6. Complexity theory and change in schools http://www.digitalavmagazine.com/2017/03/13/la-tecnologia-colaborativa-modifica-el-diseno-de-las-aulas/

We had to bring our 6 news to class. The star of the group was the "editor" and she had to create a newspaper of the complexity that the teacher awarded our group, our complexity was Balancing randomness and deterministic order.
 Here Im going to add all the newspapers of al the groups, including ourselves.

1. Complexity theory, http://pub.lucidpress.com/06121780-f2f2-4df9-ba6e-195d6c753051/

2. The Context of a Complex Organization https://issuu.com/victoriacano/docs/vuelta_al_nuevo_cole_definitiva

3. Emerging Knowledge through connections https://issuu.com/architeach3/docs/periodico

4. Diversity and Redundancy. https://issuu.com/beatrizgonzalvezmoreno/docs/newspaper_fish

5. Balancing randomness and deterministic order http://es.calameo.com/read/00511860928a2b6e27c74

6. Complexity Theory and Change in Schools


Hello everyone!! I am Emma and this week I am the facilitator of the Spiky Teachers team.

In the task of this week we had to explore what means complexity and how this affect the relationships at school. We had to read a text and for each complexity taht we found we had to look for a news of a newspaper and after print it.
We found one news for each complexity and it was so difficult  find some news but we did it.

During the weekend we divided and read the documets that we had to read before starting the activity. We divided the complexities, and each had to find a story that was related to it.

On Monday we met and we read all the document and after we look for information to know a little more about each .

On Tuesday we met again to complete the search news . Finally, when we had the news we went to print it because on Wednesday we had to bring the news and by groups did a newspaper. The newspaper that we had to have seven to nine news and all newspapers have to be on the blog of all groups .

Although we found it difficult to find some news at the end we got it with effort and work among all .
See you next week!!!🌵


Hi people! I'm Victoria and I'm the journalist of the week.
It has been a difficult week because we didn't understood deeply the task. Despite of that, we have had really good moments.
We met on Monday in Marta's school to start our project. We worked very hard, traying to understand the diferent complexities and looking for som new related to this task.

We also met on Thursday and our facilitator Emma brought ou some sweet in order to make our work easier. Moreover, as Sara was at home, we made a Skype call with her.

Finally, on Wednesday we made groups formed by members of different group to create a newspaper about all the complexities that we had studied.

As journalist, I also commented in some blog that I think that are interesting. Firstly I commented in a blog about Complexity and it has been very helpfull

That's all for this week!

See you !


Hello everybody! I am Ana and this week I am the analyst of my group. 

The task of this week was about the complexity of schools, so we read a chapter of a book in order to indentify the different complexities that exist. It was the worse part of the activity, because we had to understand really good the text before searching some news related to the complexities.  

As I have said, we had to find different news so, obviously, there was a social connection of the content in this task. 

The best part of the activity was related to what we had learnt, since it was really interesting to learn how complex is a school. We discovered information of which we had not idea.

The best moment of the week was during the breaks because our facilitator gave us food and candies. We also enjoyed talking with Sara by Skype as it was funny. 

The worst moment was when we had to find 6 news related to the complexities since it was difficult and we were stressed. We did not know how to connect the news with the complexities and we had to be careful because of the use of licence. 

Finally, I think that, as a team, we have to maintain our fellowship since we like helping each other and we always try to be positive. However, I consider that we have to control the time that we use to do the tasks in order to be less stressed. 

That is all for this week.
I hope you enjoy this post. 
See you soon 😀🌵


Hello everyone! I´m Marta, and this week I had to be the translator of my group for the second time during this course. The main five words that were more important of this task as I consider are these:

-         Newspaper editor: is the person that is in charge of write and publish the newspaper. This week we have been working with this word because our star has to be like one of them.

-         Complexity: this word describes the behaviour of a system or model whose components interact in multiple ways and follows local rules. In this task we see the complexity of the model of a school.

-         Boundaries: this term indicates a limiting line of a subject.

-         Redundancy: is the state of not being not longer needed or useful. Talking about a school can refers to a methodology, because it became boring and for this reason, it won´t be useful.

-         Levels: formal learning is normally divided into a number of educational stages, and each stage have a different type of knowledge, with connections between them.

And that’s a sum up of this week, I hope you understand well our job.


Hello! I am Andrea, this week I am the curator-farmer of the group. Here I let you all the references that we have used for this task:

Magazinedigitalcom. (2017). Magazinedigitalcom. Retrieved 24 March, 2017, from http://www.magazinedigital.com/historias/reportajes/especial-ninos-padres-escuela-una-relacion-con-malas-notas

Diariovascocom. (2017). Diariovascocom. Retrieved 24 March, 2017, from http://www.diariovasco.com/gipuzkoa/201703/20/gente-cree-inmigrante-llevar-20170320010508-v.html

Eldiariodelaeducacioncom. (2017). Eldiariodelaeducacioncom. Retrieved 24 March, 2017, from http://eldiariodelaeducacion.com/blog/2017/01/13/unschooling-y-si-la-escuela-fuera-prescindible/

Informacion. (2017). Diarioinformacioncom. Retrieved 24 March, 2017, from http://www.diarioinformacion.com/alicante/2017/03/20/colegio-jesuitas-alicante-cambia-modelo/1873865.html   

Maria jesús ibáñez. (2016). El Periódico. Retrieved 24 March, 2017, from http://www.elperiodico.com/es/noticias/sociedad/colegio-joaquim-ruyra-milagro-escolar-hospitalet-informe-pisa-5640141

Aleleo. (2017). Digitalavmagazinecom. Retrieved 24 March, 2017, from http://www.digitalavmagazine.com/2017/03/13/la-tecnologia-colaborativa-modifica-el-diseno-de-las-aulas/




Hi everyone!! My name is Clara and this week I am the star of my group Spiky Teachers.

In our seventh task the role of the stars changed a bit because we didn’t have to make an oral exposition as other weeks. In an opposed way, we made six groups according to the six types of complexity that we were working through. Those groups or editorials consisted of one person from each team and two stars, in this case Marta from the Starfish group and I.

Ones we had the editorial formed, we took all the news that showed the type of complexity that we had to work (Balancing Randomness and deterministic order), and we talked about them in order to identify the relationship of each one with that kind of complexity.

After that, we put all the information together and using a web 2.0 tool and we converted it into a newspaper.

Apart from working with our classmates, Marta and I as stars had to play the role of editors, what means that we also had to distribute the work and make the task on time. I think that we made it good as a group, because we created a nice atmosphere and we worked all together helping each other, although we didn't had done it before.

Conversely, we had some problems with the web that we used to make the newspaper because it was the first time that we were working with it. We finally did it, but not as elaborated as we wanted because of time. From my point of view it was the only problem that we had, because it was a new tool for us and we didn’t had enough time to explore it and to discover how it works.

As a result I could say that my editorial worked all together and very hard, and our weak point this time was the ignorance (referred to the web page).

I hope you have enjoyed and see you soon!!💖🌵

martes, 14 de marzo de 2017


Andrea García: Journalist
Sara Gómez: Analyst
Clara Blázquez: Facilitator
Emma Giménez: Supporter
Ana Giménez: Translator
Victoria Cano: Star
Marta Alcaraz: Curator


This week we have done anm activity where we have to sumarize all that we have done in these weeks. For doing this we have use a Graphical Novel, where we have to represent 10 concepts taht we have explored during these weeks. 
Our Graphical Novel was Hieroglyph.


Hi everyone!! I'm Clara and this week I'm the facilitator of my group.

This sixth task consisted on summarizing in ten concepts that we have learned during this part of the subject. To do so, each group have to use a different cartoon technique, and we did it through hieroglyphics.

First of all, we take a role for each one of us and then we started looking for examples of hieroglyphics because we actually didn't now how to do it. After that, we chose the ten concepts that we have learned all together.

On Monday afternoon, we started drawing the different hieroglyphics.

By Tuesday afternoon, we finished painting it all and we paste it on the poster. At the end of our meeting we prepare with our star, Victoria, the presentation of the task for the following day.
From time to time, we made breaks to recover energy and as a good facilitator, I brought some meals and sweets for all the group.

On Wednesday morning we made a performance in which two of us were fanning Victoria, that was the pharaoh, and the rest of the group were holding the poster to let all our classmates see it properly. After all the presentations, we made a draw of one of our ideas using a different cartoon technique, which was cave art.

To conclude, I have to say that, although it was a very laborious activity, we enjoyed a lot and we have worked very well as a joined group.


Hello!! My name is Andrea and this week I´m the journalist of the group. During this week we have worked on our sixth task, which is about summarizing in ten concepts what we have learned of the subject.
Here I´m going to explain and to show you some pictures of the moments that we were working on the task.

On Monday, we started thinking about the content of this activity. It was not seem easy looking for ten key concepts to explain the subject, but with team work we get our aim easily!
When we had the ten ideas, we divided them between each of us to make their respective representation with hieroglyphs.

At first we were a bit disoriented because we did not feel comfortable with the technique that touched us, since we saw it difficult to perform; however, we investigated this technique and we managed to get a bit in the Egyptian environment of hieroglyphs. In order to get a good result, we inspired by the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and also watching a section of the film called "The Prince of Egypt".

As we can see in the images we worked hard to do the draws.
We used different types of paper to paste the hieroglyphs, so give the impression of being written on some old wall.

On Wednesday was the presentation. Victoria, the star, did a great job and the rest of the group was by her side creating an Egyptian atmosphere and supporting her.

Finally, we were very proud of the final result and we got our work appreciated and valued by the rest of the class. Furthermore, we enjoy the presentation because we pretended to be slaves, Pharaoh and while we were holding the mural, Claire held our pet that can be seen peeking over it.
It was so funny!



Hi everyone!! I am Sara and this week I am the analyst of our group.😊🌵

The best part of the activity was that we had to use our creativity and our artistic side, because we had to use Hieroglyphics for representing 10 ideas of all we had done in this subject until now.
Although we had a really good time doing this activity the worst part was at the beginning; the first day that we met it was the worst because as it was a new concept for us we didn´t know how to do this task but finally we manage to finish it with really good results.

The best moment of the activity was the performance on Wednesday where we received good feedback from our teacher and classmates, because we did a big effort in this activity. The worst moment of the week was on Tuesday because we finished very late.

In this task we have learned things about Hieroglyphics and the Egypt civilization, like the name of some of the Egypt gods that we have paint in our drawings.

I think that we are a good group because we have similar ways of working and each of us always makes the best of them, and we also are becoming good friends, that what we have to conserve in the next week in order to work better together.
Although we work very good together we are very bad at organizing our time and that is something that we need to improve in the following tasks.

This task was very useful because, as it is a review of all that we have done until know, we now have a more clear view of all the knowledge and all the techniques that we have used and explored.

See you next week!!!


Hello everybody! I am Ana and this week I am the translator of my group.
Our 6th task have consisted in summarize what we have learnt throughout the execution of the tasks that we have done until now.
We have had to do this summary by a hieroglyphic, so that the vocabulary that we have learnt this week is related to this Egyptian topic. 
The words are the following:

  • Hieroglyphic: The written system used by people from Ancient Egypt to write religious literature. It was composed by around 1.000 characters. Egyptians wrote hieroglyphics on wood and papirus. 
  • Pharaoh: The title given to the kings of the Ancient Egypt until the year 3150 BCE. 
  • Anubis: One of the most famous gods of the Ancient Egypt. He symbolizes the embalming and the death. Anubis is represented with the head of a jackal. 
  • Horus: Egyptian god represented with the head of a hawk. He was associated with the Egyptian royalty. 
  • Pyramids: Egyptian structures whose walls are four triangles which coincide in a point. These edifications were constructed as tombs. 

These are the principal words that we have learnt during this task. 
I hope you enjoy this post.
See you soon 😄🌵


Hello everyone! I´m Marta and this week I have to be the curator-farmer of the sixth task.
Here I let you all the references, links and sources that we have used during this week.

Wikipediaorg(2017)WikipediaorgRetrieved 17 March, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_hieroglyphs

Dictionarycom(2017)DictionarycomRetrieved 17 March, 2017, from http://www.dictionary.com/browse/pyramid

Merriam-webstercom(2017)Merriam-webstercomRetrieved 17 March, 2017, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pyramid

Wikipediaorg(2017)WikipediaorgRetrieved 17 March, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_hieroglyphs

Wikipediaorg(2017)WikipediaorgRetrieved 17 March, 2017, from https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horus

Wikipediaorg(2017)WikipediaorgRetrieved 17 March, 2017, from https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anubis

TASK 6, by spikyteachers


Hi everyone! I'mVictoria and this week I have been the Star of the group.
My experience as star has been  very funny. I had to explained how we did our poster and what has been the worse part of this task.
For designing our poster we draw in a white paper and we sticked the drawing in a brown cardboard in order to imitate the hiergryph. We also made a crown similar to which pharaohs were wearing in Ancient Egypt and I weared it during the presentation.

It has been a really nice experience!

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017


Andrea García: Translator
Sara Gómez: Facilitator
Clara Blázquez: Curator
Emma Giménez: Star
Ana Giménez: Journalist
Victoria Cano: Supporter
Marta Alcaraz; Analyst



Hello everyone!! I am Sara and this week I am the facilitator of the Spiky Teachers team.🙋

In the task of this week we had work with the Web 2.0 tool. We had to choose between using twitter or an Info-graphic, with the condition that it must be a Web 2.0.

The topicc of the task was The Dark side of Textbooks, and we had to look for arguments againts the use of textbooks in classroom.

During the weekend we divided and read the documets that we had to read before starting the activity.

On Monday we met to put in common all the information that we read during the weekend and we also stared looking for information.
This day we also look for the tool that we were going to used. We finally decided to use an info-graphc because we thought that it was the best way to present the information. We choose and Infograpic tool called https://www.easel.ly/ where we made our own info-graphic that you can see in the post called "TASK 5"

On Tuesday we met again to start the Info-graphic presentation and to help our star Emma prepare what se had to do in class.

I think that we have work really good this week and little by little we are improving in our tasks!🙊
See you next week!!!🙌


Hello!! I am Ana and this week I am the journalist of my group. For that reason I am going to explain you what we have done each day of the task; and also I am going to show you some photos in which you will see how we work.

The task of this week, our 5th task, has been about “The Dark side of Textbooks”, so that, the first day, Monday the 6th, we searched for information about this topic and instructions about how to do an info-graphic.
Before that, at the University, we distributed the roles and then we started to collect the information as I have said. In the afternoon, we continued searching information with Sara through Skype.

Here you have the images of us at the University and in the afternoon meeting.

The second day of the task, Tuesday the 7th, we met in the afternoon in order to prepare our info-graphic. We were with Sara through Skype again and we finish our task.

Here you can see us working again.

Finally, on Wednesday the 8th, we share our ideas in class. We were divided in different groups, in which there were people from different teams and a star of one of them. The role of the star was like a mediator who had to control the group. Then, we search different opinions about textbooks.

Here you can see what we do and the different works of our classmates.

I want to show you an interesting blog against school failure that we recommend. 

Finally, I have commented in a blog of our classmates, "The Superstar Teachers", because I think that they have done an interesting job this week.

That is all for this week, I hope you will enjoy my post.
See you next week 😊🌵